FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise: Limited edition items are available on all farms


While it's true that some of the content in FarmVille's Hawaiian Paradise is specific to that farm, there are some limited edition items that have been released in a separate Hawaiian Paradise theme, for coins or Farm Cash, that can be purchased on any of your farms. These items will be available for the next two weeks (whereas the rest of the Hawaiian Paradise-specific items are permanent), so here's a look at those items you need to purchase sooner, rather than later.

Note: There are additional items available to purchase that aren't limited edition. These are simply those items that will eventually expire from the store.


Pink Plumeria Tree - 5 Farm Cash
Red Plumeria Tree - 6 Farm Cash
White Plumeria Tree - 10 Farm Cash
Yellow Plumeria Tree - 12 Farm Cash
Kou Tree - 8 Farm Cash
Ohia Tree - 14 Farm Cash

Some of these are re-releases so make sure to check that you don't already have one or more of them before shelling out Farm Cash.


Giant Aloha Chicken - 20 Farm Cash
Hawaiian Moorhen - 12 Farm Cash
Aloha Cow - 20 Farm Cash
Hulama - 14 Farm Cash
Aloha Chicken - 18 Farm Cash
Aloha Unicorn - 30 Farm Cash


Tropical Pool - 16 Farm Cash
Aloha Gnome - 12 Farm Cash
Hawaiian Owl - 14 Farm Cash
Sugarcane Fence - 10,000 coins
Pineapple Fountain - 10 Farm Cash
Hawaiian Plantation - 20 Farm Cash

Avatar Clothing

Lei Headband - 50,000 coins
Pink Sarong - 5 Farm Cash
Purple Sarong - 5 Farm Cash
Red Sarong - 5 Farm Cash
Pineapple Outfit - 7 Farm Cash

With these items, you'll at least have a way to bring the fun of Hawaii and the tropics to your farms, without having to resort to purchasing Coconuts to buy items in Hawaiian Paradise proper (since Coconuts have replaced coins there). We'll make sure to let you know if more limited edition items launch in the Hawaiian Paradise theme, so keep checking back with us!

Check out the rest of our Hawaiian Paradise coverage right here.

What do you think of these new limited edition Hawaiian Paradise items? Which ones will you purchase for your farms? Sound off in the comments.
