CityVille Ferry Marina: Everything you need to know


Earlier today, we brought you a brief look at the new island feature in CityVille, which we now know starts with a Ferry Marina that you'll be able to build in your town. Of course, you'll need to build this Ferry Marina near the water (half in, half off), with the building itself costing 120,000 coins in the store. This serves as both a residence and a community building, offering 1,000 citizens to your town, but also adding 1,500 citizens to your town's overall population cap.

Once you've placed the base of your Ferry Marina, you'll go through a fairly standard item collection process, requiring the following ingredients:

  • 8 Anchors

  • 8 Ferry Paddles

  • 8 Ferry Tickets

  • 8 Sails

  • 8 Ship's Wheels

These items are earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent to friends. Completing this structure also goes towards the "Island Tourists" goal, which requires you to collect 15 Blowhorns and place an expansion in your city. You're given the suggestion of placing the expansion in the water to get ready for the islands feature as it really rolls out in the game.

We'll make sure to bring you more coverage surrounding this Ferry Marina and Islands feature in CityVille, so keep checking back with us!

What do you think of the new island-hopping feature in CityVille? Sound off in the comments.
