Adventure World: Give Zynga your thoughts on potential game features


It's that time again - time for Zynga to release a survey about one of its games, asking players what they think about potential new features. We've seen this time and time again in FarmVille (ranging from the new create-your-own-horse feature to Hawaiian Paradise), but this time it's Adventure World that receives the poll. History tells us that at least one, but potentially all, of these features will eventually launch in Adventure World, but we might be able to choose which items launch first based on their popularity.

The survey asks for our opinions about some basic features, like an additional point of energy being added to your account for a month, a reduction of the time it takes to recharge energy or purchasing unlimited energy for a particular map. There are also some interesting options, like a potential gadget that would allow us to attack enemies (Snakes, Rams, Scorpions, etc.) from two spaces away, rather than being face to face. We're even given an option for being able to dodge all incoming attacks, potentially forever, depending on what that bonus item ended up being (and whether or not it cost Adventure Cash to purchase).

Again, there's no guarantee that any of these features will launch in full in Adventure World, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a handful roll out over the next month or so. We'll make sure to let you know if that happens to be the case.

What do you think of these potential features and upgrades in Adventure World? Would you pay Adventure Cash for any of them? Sound off in the comments.
