FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise farm is definitely coming!


Way back at the beginning of December, Zynga launched a survey revealing details about a proposed new farm in FarmVille - a fifth farm that would be set in tropical Hawaii. Now that some time has passed, we've learned that this wasn't just a idea hunt, as Zynga has officially placed the Hawaiian Paradise farm into motion. As of right now, we know the farm is coming via a new loading screen and a postcard that will appear in the game at the farm's launch.

FVNation has discovered both of these items, letting us know that we'll be able to "discover a new world of aquatic plants and animals" along with being able to "uncover treasures on the land and sea." As usual, it looks like players will be able to pay Farm Cash - anywhere from 45 to 55 Farm Cash, or around $10 - to get into Hawaiian Paradise early, and we'll likely receive some bonus items in the process.

We'll make sure to bring you all of the details concerning the Hawaiian Paradise farm as we learn more, so keep checking back with us!

[Via and Image Credit: FVNation]

Check out the rest of our Hawaiian Paradise coverage right here.

What do you think of this reveal that Hawaiian Paradise is definitely coming to FarmVille? Sound off in the comments.
