PopCap enacts Zuma's Revenge! on Nintendo DS starting right now

Zuma's Revenge Nintendo DS
Zuma's Revenge Nintendo DS

Zuma doesn't tease his revenge with cryptic screen shots or hyped-up trailers. No, Zuma's vengeance is swift, unexpected and impossible to put down--wait, what? PopCap has announced that Zuma's Revenge! is available for Nintendo DS starting today for $19.95. (Not 3DS ... just DS.) This portable version of the hit ball-busting franchise is based on its PC and Mac version.

Just like in the original, players can embark on a tribal tree frog adventure across 60 levels and face six bosses through launching like-colored balls along an ever-moving track. Play modes like Iron Frog (just one life to complete 10 increasingly difficult levels) and Challenge Mode (increasingly more demanding score challenges) return in this shrunken-down version that's much bigger elsewhere.

In addition to six returning power-ups, DS gamers can go head-to-head locally and online across three different multiplayer styles. Players can also receive new challenges every day through Daily Dungeon, an exclusive feature to Zuma's Revenge! on DS that provides players with new ball-blasting tasks, well, daily. Another version of the PC-gone-mobile-gone-Facebook game is slated to hit Nintendo's DSiWare in mid-March for 800 points, or $8.

"Bringing the Zuma franchise to the console-based handheld market is long warranted and getting these exciting adaptations for Nintendo DS and DSiWare is just the beginning," Zuma franchise marketing manager Van Riker said in a release. "These games have been fully optimized for Nintendo's popular devices and feature exclusive gameplay content that will challenge Zuma fans more than ever before."

Are you psyched to know that Zuma is now on your DS? Would you have rather had this franchise hit 3DS or elsewhere? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
