Game of the Day: Checkers

checkers game of the day
checkers game of the day

Hooray! Today's Game of the Day is good ol' Checkers. You know the rules: you can only move diagonally and you can't move backwards. If you're in position to jump over an opponent's piece, you have to do it. If you get a peice to the other side you'll be Kinged, allowing you to move diagonally in all directions.

The classic game of Checkers never ceases to provide amusement, and's online version is no different. Depending on what you're in the mood for, you'll be able to play against strangers or against the computer. So take a quick break from what ever you're doing and kick back with a game of Checkers. Remember to make some friends in the chat! Check out Checkers below.

Click here to play Checkers!

checkers game of the day
checkers game of the day

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