CityVille Spanish Opera House: Everything you need to know


A new Spanish-themed landmark has launched in CityVille this weekend: the Spanish Opera House. This building is a unique one, in that it can be placed on both land or water (particularly convenient for those running out of land in their city), but ultimately, it doesn't boost the stats of your city that much.

This community building requires plenty of building materials to complete:

  • 5 Cello

  • 5 French Horn

  • 5 Harp

  • 5 Timpani

  • 5 Trumpet

These items are earned through a combination of general news items placed on your wall and individual requests sent to friends. You can, of course, also choose to purchase these items with City Cash if you'd rather not wait for your friends to help you out.

Either way, when the Spanish Opera House is done, it will raise your maximum population cap by 500 citizens. That's a fairly tiny amount of people in the grand scheme of things, and it will only offer you 1,000 coins each time you collect its profits. Still, the Spanish Opera House only costs 20,000 coins to purchase, so I suppose if you like the look of this building (it is quite pretty), then it's worth building.

[Via CityVille Wiki]

What do you think of this Spanish Opera House? Will you build one in your city? Sound off in the comments.
