Digital Chocolate's Gangs of Boomtown holds up Google+ Games

Gangs of Boomtown
Gangs of Boomtown

You know, there just aren't enough six shooters in Facebook games these days. What, you say, "Digital Chocolate has answered my prayers with Gangs of Boomtown?" Why, thank you, whatever just came over us to type these words, because now we know that the social game maker has released a western-themed gangster social game exclusively on Google+ for the next month.

Gangs of Boomtown is the third game to hit Google+ Games through EA founder Trip Hawkins' Digital Chocolate, but it's the first for the developer to offer exclusively. In the western shooter, players begin in Boomtown, a shanty town that was recently burned to the ground by the Assassin's Gang that took your family with it. From there, it's up to you to save the Sheriff, restore Boomtown and get your revenge.

Gangs of Boomtown duel
Gangs of Boomtown duel

Digital Chocolate's Helsinki, Finland studio crafted this rootin', tootin' social game, which allows players to share achievements in their own gaming Circles. At first glance, Gangs of Boomtown looks as if Mafia Wars 2 and FrontierVille got together and had one pretty baby. In other words, Gangs of Boomtown is a western-themed gangster game with town-building elements and multiplayer duels.

This is the third game to release exclusively on Google+, following Kabam's The Godfather: Five Families and Plarium's Pirates: Tides of Fortune. Google needs these exclusives as leverage to compete with Facebook's thousands of games. (Google+ is currently home to 39 games, including Gangs of Boomtown.) With some seriously impressive audio and interesting elements like skill points for characters, Gangs of Boomtown could help Google+ gain some notoriety in gaming.

Click here to play Gangs of Boomtown on Google+ Now >

[Via VentureBeat]

Are you excited to dig into another western-themed social game? What do you think of Google+ as a games platform? Share with us in the comments. Add Comment.
