Dueling Blades looks like an action movie on Facebook [Video]

Dueling Blades Facebook game
Dueling Blades Facebook game

We know that Dueling Blades by new social games developer HourBlast Games is coming to Facebook and mobile this March. However, we only had (admittedly) pretty still images to go off of. Until now. HourBlast Games has released a teaser trailer for the game along with several more details about what Dueling Blades is like.

According to a release, Dueling Blades will feature seven different fighting classes and customizable class trees to create unique characters both in look and fighting style. The game sports something called "Simultaneous Turn Combat," which we imagine means turn-based combat occurring in real time with another player present. Of course, this real-time, turn-based multiplayer system will be supported by a lobby system.

Dueling Blades runs in the Unity 3D Player, which means it not only looks good, but can run quite easily on other devices, which are in the works. For now, Dueling Blades is currently in a closed beta test. Some of those features mentioned make it sound as if HourBlast is targeting the "hardcore" crowd with this game. Here's to hoping the right people bite, because this looks downright badass.

Are you impressed by what's going on in Dueling Blades? Do you think there's a place for real-time multiplayer games on Facebook? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
