CityVille Super Greenhouse: Everything you need to know


For a few days now, Zynga has been touting a new Super Greenhouse in CityVille - a greenhouse that will allow you to plant all kinds of crops within a single building, rather than being limited to only certain kinds of crops as in items like the Late Bloomer Greenhouse (as one example). However, this Super Greenhouse is on a super slow rollout, meaning that you may not have received it yet in your game. Still, we're here with a look at this new greenhouse, and what you can expect from it when it finally does launch in your city.

The Super Greenhouse's base requires 10 energy to construct, and from there you're left gathering 25 materials to finish its first basic Level.

  • 5 Earthworms

  • 5 Garden Frogs

  • 5 Bat Houses

  • 5 Garden Turtles

  • 5 Berry Baskets

As you'd expect, these items are earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and sending individual requests to friends. Once you finish this first state of the Super Greenhouse, you'll have a fully functional building, capable of growing up to 8 plots of crops at once; however, that must be all of the same kind of crop, since you can't mix and match.

You can also upgrade the Super Greenhouse to two additional Levels. This requires you to collect more and more of five different building ingredients. For instance, Level 2 requires you to collect seven each of Flat Garden Hoses, Garden Gnomes, Garden Hoses, Greenhouse Heated Mats and Greenhouse Shutters, while Level 3 requires 10 each of five other items. Each upgrade allows you to plant more individual plots within the Super Greenhouse, but again, they all have to be the same crop.

If you're tired of the restrictions placed on your by other Greenhouses, but still like the space-saving options that they provide, this is definitely the Greenhouse for you. Be sure to keep an eye out on your game, so that you can start building one just as soon as this update rolls around to you.

[Via CityVille Wiki]

What do you think of this Super Greenhouse? Will you immediately start building one in your city, or do you have enough Greenhouses now as it is? Sound off in the comments.
