FarmVille Animal Mastery Billboard: Everything you need to know


When the Crop Mastery Billboard launched in FarmVille in January, we speculated that it would only be a matter of time before we saw similar signs released for Animal or even Tree mastery signs. It turns out, we were right, at least partially. A new Animal Mastery Billboard has launched in the game this afternoon, giving players a chance to store their animal mastery signs, taking up less space on your farms, but retaining the ability to show them off.

The Animal Mastery Billboard requires 24 parts to start: eight each of Dark Plywood, Green Lights and Orange Overalls. Don't get these confused with the items requires for the Crop Mastery Billboard, as they are different. That is, the Crop billboard required Light Plywood, instead of Dark.

Of course, you can collect these materials in the same way, by asking your friends to send them to you for free or by purchasing them for a single Farm Cash each. When you finish this first stage of the Animal Mastery Billboard, you'll be able to store only a small amount of individual signs. You can then expand the billboard to hold more signs by collecting more and more building materials for each level.

As of this writing, it looks like we'll be able to build additional Animal Mastery Billboards after we construct this first one, if the total storage allowed in the final upgraded product still won't hold all of your signs. Of course, this then leaves us to expect a Tree Mastery Billboard to launch within the coming weeks, so you'll want to work on these Animal Mastery Billboards quickly, so as to not become overwhelmed if and when the Tree Mastery Billboard does finally launch.

Are you excited to see an Animal Mastery Billboard launch in FarmVille? Sound off in the comments.
