FarmVille Anti Valentine's Day Items: Dark Butterfly Tree, Broken Heart Ram and more


While it's great to share the joys of love and warmth with your loved ones during Valentine's Day, it can also be fun to rebel against the norm. Helping us do just that are new items in FarmVille's Anti Valentine's Day theme. There are new trees and decorations to purchase, and while this theme will likely never be as large as the traditional Valentine's Day theme, at least it gives single players some things to latch onto outside of everything pink and red.


Dark Butterfly Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Big Dark Butterfly Tree - 12 Farm Cash


Dark Cherrycorn Horse - 30 Farm Cash
Broken Heart Ram - 16 Farm Cash


Barbwire Fence - 50,000 coins
Dark Cupid Gnome - 12 Farm Cash
Black Valentine Fountain - 10 Farm Cash

Avatar Costumes

Valentine Shirt - 2 Farm Cash

These items will be available for the next two weeks, and we'll make sure to let you know if and when additional items launch in the theme.

Check out the rest of our Valentine's Day 2012 coverage here.

What do you think of these Anti Valentine's Day items? Do you like them more than the regular Valentine's Day items? Sound off in the comments.
