CityVille Italian Castle Goals: Everything you need to know



is celebrating Italy this week, as part of a new series of events in the game that will celebrate international cultures. As part of this Italian Event, there is a three part goal series to complete dealing with a new Italian Castle building. As usual, we're here with a guide on how to finish these three goals and earn all of the rewards along the way.

Italian Castle!

  • Place and Finish Italian Castle

  • Collect from 3 Cruise Ships

  • Ask friends for 12 Italian Relics

The Italian Castle itself is a home that requires 14 staff members to complete. This is one of the only homes within the entire game that requires staff members to complete, but that's actually a fairly good thing in my experience (after all, I find it to be easier to get a friend to help you once and only once in a game, rather than asking them to send multiple items day after day). Either way, the finished Italian Castle has a population of 870 - 1,750 citizens, and gives off 199 coins in rent every four hours. Back in this goal proper, you'll receive 100 XP and 5 energy for finishing it.

To Catch a Thief

  • Collect 30 Italian Relics

  • Catch 5 Bandits

  • Collect 6 Times from Italian Castle

The Bandits will appear at random when collecting from businesses, so your police officers (or superhero) will need to capture them. As for the Italian Relics, these can be earned by asking friends to send them to you, or at random when collecting from residences. For finishing this goal, you'll receive 175 XP and 5 energy.

Tourist Attraction!

  • Send 50 Tour Buses

  • Collect 20 Times from Venetian Mask Shop

  • Increase Population by 400

Even though this population requirement isn't very large, remember that you should be able to store some homes before starting this goal in order to pull them back out and have this count, as that has worked in the past. The Venetian Mask Shop, meanwhile, is a business that costs 8,000 coins in the store. It requires 200 Goods to operate and gives off 1,167 coins by default. For finishing this final goal in the Italian Castle series, you'll receive the Baroque Fountain, a decoration that offers an 8% payout bonus to general items, and an additional 8% bonus to items in the Italian theme.

If you're attempting to play CityVille this evening and access this goals, you might have some trouble in having them appear (or, in having any goals appear for that matter). As of this writing, the game just seems to be undergoing some issues, so keep checking back with your game to see when you can actually start these goals in your own city. Good luck!

[Via: CityVille Wiki]

What do you think of this Italian Castle and the Italian Castle goals in CityVille? Will you immediately start working on them, or will you finish off some other goals first instead? Sound off in the comments.
