FarmVille survey hints at auctions, swap meets and more


As we're always on the lookout for free Farm Cash deals under the FarmVille gameplay area on Facebook, imagine our surprise and delight when a new FarmVille survey appeared under our games. This new survey is one of the most interesting we've seen since in quite a while, asking for player opinions on a ton of possible new features for the game.

First things first, we're asked for our thoughts on a set of possible limited edition items themes. There are options like Candyland (Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Trees, Hot Fudge Waterfalls, Peanut Brittle Fencing and more), Jane Austen (Courtyard Tea Reception, English Gardens and animals dressed in period attire) and President's Day (Lincoln's Log Cabin, Presidental Seal Tree) just to name a few. While the survey implies that none of these are actually guaranteed to arrive, I have to say that the detail of some of the item naming makes them all seem pretty final. If I had to speculate, I'd say that this survey might be a way to judge which theme to release first, rather than which to release over others entirely, based on users' ratings.

But where this survey really gets good is in the next set of questions, detailing features that might come to the game based on our thoughts. There are ideas like an overall Vacation mode, that would set all of your farms to "Pause," or even allow your friends to tend to your farms while you're gone, a Neighborhood Swap Meet that would allow us to buy and sell unwanted items with our FarmVille neighbors, an Auction House (an open market for buying and selling items across the entire FarmVille audience) and much more [pictured below]. There's even a question pertaining to a "Create Your Own Horse" feature that I think many Horse collectors just might kill to have. Of course (as with the item themes above), there's no actual guarantee that all of these will come to the game, but it never hurts to place just a little bit of faith in Zynga that it will bring the best options to the game.

Are you interested in telling Zynga what you think of these options? Take the survey right here.

Which of the limited edition item themes sound the most interesting to you? How about the new gameplay features? Would you sell items at a swap meet or auction, or would you be more interested in designing your own Horses for your collection? Share your thoughts in the comments.
