CityVille Shanghai Center: Everything you need to know


As one final bit of celebration for Chinese New Year in CityVille, the final piece of the Great Pyramids wonder has finally been released: The Shanghai Center. This skyscraper can be placed in your town via the goal called "Shanghai Celebration," and from there you'll be challenged to complete three tasks that will likely look pretty familiar to you.

  • Gather Parts

  • Upgrade a Chinese Business to Level 2

  • Master a Chinese Crop to Level 3

First and foremost, the Gathering Parts requirement asks you to collect 12 each of five different items:

Office Phone
Antenna Light
Front Desk
Deck Binocular
Exit Sign

The Office Phones, Deck Binoculars and Exit Signs come from general news posts on your wall, while the Antenna Lights and Front Desks are earned by sending out individual requests to your neighbors for help. Meanwhile, the Chinese Business task can apply to either the Bowling Alley or the Fireworks Shop, and the Chinese Crop task applies to either Gao Liang or Rice. Gao Liang takes 15 hours to grow, while Rice takes 18 hours. Of course, if you've already mastered one star or more of Rice, it would definitely be worth growing it, even if it takes three hours longer each time.

Once you finish this Shanghai Center and this entire goal, you'll be left with a business that requires 450 Goods and supplies 3,243 coins by default. You'll also be one step closer to finishing off the entire Great Pyramids wonder, so get to work on that Venetian Palace and the Moscow Mansion to finally be finished!

Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of this Shanghai Center and Shanghai Celebration goal? Have you already completed the other two parts to the Great Pyramids wonder, or have you fallen a bit behind on it? Sound off in the comments.
