Pioneer Trail: Play Hidden Chronicles for a Mastery Boost, Energy Meal and more


The Hidden Chronicles cross-promotional train has pulled into Pioneer Trail this week, offering players a chance at three free items on the Homestead if they are willing to try out Zynga's hidden object game, Hidden Chronicles, on Facebook. For any player that plays Hidden Chronicles to at least Level 5, they'll receive a free Master Faster 12 Hour Boost, All You Can Eat meal and a Building Boost back on the Homestead.

Unfortunately, this isn't a situation like CityVille, where you'll receive a truly exclusive item (that being the Hidden Chronicles Mansion) for trying out the new game, but I suppose we can't really argue with free. Besides, if you're a fan of multiple Zynga games, think of it this way: For playing Hidden Chronicles just once to level 5, you'll receive prizes in what looks to be a ton of games. We can't really go wrong there, right?

Keep checking back with us as we let you know what prizes are available across your other favorite Zynga games.

Have you already reached Level 5 in Hidden Chronicles, or will you start playing the game now that these promotions have launched? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
