CityVille Grand Dragon Boat Quest: Everything you need to know


Yet another goal has launched in CityVille this week, asking you to expand your city in a very particular direction in order to unlock a new item. Whether you struggle for every expansion, or have more Zoning Permits than you could ever need, these goals always seem to come bundled with controversy, and I'm guessing this one won't be any different.

First and foremost, this goal celebrates the Chinese New Year and is available only to those users Level 70 and above. You'll see a Grand Dragon Boat in the water off of your town's mainland, and will need to expand to that point in order to finish just one step in this overall goal.

Collect 25 Dragon Boat Paddles
Collect from Lifeguard Station 5 Times
Expand to the Grand Dragon Boat

The Dragon Boat Paddles come from a basic news post on your wall, while the Lifeguard Tower is a community building that requires 10 staff members to complete (if you've yet to build one). Once you expand out to the Grand Dragon Boat (using the same population increase and zoning permit system that we're used to), you'll finish this goal and will receive the actual Grand Dragon Boat as a prize in your inventory. This boat itself is a community building offering a population allowance of 1,000 citizens.

Is the Grand Dragon Boat worth expanding your land out into the water, making those expansions all but useless after? Will you expand your city to receive this boat, or will you keep expanding on land instead? Sound off in the comments.
