PopCap survey: Many cheaters in social games are cheaters in real life


Do you use third party hack programs to get ahead in your favorite Facebook games? Then, according to PopCap, you might have some other dubious habits to come clean about. The Bejeweled Blitz creator enlisted Information Solutions Group to survey 1,201 social gamers based on their cheating habits both in-game and out, and the results aren't exactly comforting.

While a tiny 8 percent of social gamers surveyed admitted to using hacks, bots or cheats either regularly or on occasion, a surprising 49 percent of those cheaters admitted to cheating while in a committed relationship. More than half of social game cheaters admitted to cheating on tests, stealing from hotels and parking in handicap spots when not legally allowed. Worse even is that 43 percent of the Facebook game cheaters revealed that they has cheated on their taxes. You know, like, fraud?

In comparison, just 14 percent of those who do not cheat in your CityVilles or The Sims Socials admitted to cheating to get ahead in the real world. The survey also found that while women outnumber men in social games across the board (55 percent to 45 percent), more men cheat in said games than women, to the tune of 56 percent versus 46 percent.

PopCap Cheaters
PopCap Cheaters

"How we behave in virtual space and interact with others in social games often mirrors how we act in the real world," North Dakota State University Psychology professor Clay Routledge said. "With more than 100 million people playing social games regularly, we can expect to see the full range of psychological characteristics represented in the social gaming population – even cheating." You know what they say: Once a cheater, always a cheater. Check out the full report here.

Have you ever cheated in a Facebook game? How about while out there in the real world? (Come on, spill the beans!) Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
