Kick old Facebook games to the curb ... for good


We're six days into 2012, and if you haven't picked a resolution yet, how about this one? Give old Facebook games you're not playing anymore the boot. Officially. That means not only do you stop playing them (and have the courtesy of letting your game pals know that it's 'over'), but also revoke their access to your personal information.

If you know how to do this already, you're ahead of the game. If you don't want to go through the hassle of hunting down the Facebook permissions page, a new web site called makes it super simple to control who can see your info, and who can't.

To get started, visit the website and then click on the blue Facebook icon. That will take you directly to your Facebook permissions page, where you can see every app that you've given access to your account. (Yeah, I had 379 apps installed. Yikes!).

To delete an app, click on 'Edit' to the right of the app.

That will expand the listing to show you what info the app can access. To continue, click on 'Remove app.'

my permissions remove this app can
my permissions remove this app can

You'll see a pop-up box that confirms your removal. To continue, click the 'Remove' button.

remove app question
remove app question

Then, another pop-up appears. Click the 'Okay' button, and then the game will finally, officially be removed from your Facebook account.

remove app
remove app

The nifty thing about is that you can also use the site to clean up other accounts, including Twitter, Google and Flickr. So, what are you waiting for? Just do it. As far as resolutions are concerned, it's much easier to tidy up your social apps than try to organize that god-forsaken garage/attic/storage closet/junk drawer.

> Have 2 Minutes? Check Out Who Has Access to Your Social Media Accounts [Mashable]
