CityVille New Year's Sale: Start the new year with sale prices up to 50% off


If you're late to the New Year 2012 party in CityVille, but still want to celebrate within the game (or perhaps even save up for next year), you can now do just that by purchasing items in the game's New Years theme (plus some items in the Winter theme) for up to 50% off their original prices. Most of the items in the store are just 30% off, with this sale (and its varying discounts) applying to both premium and coin items.

Community Buildings like the Winter Road Center or Snowboard Course are 30% off, bringing their prices to 46 and 49 City Cash respectively. Are those cheap prices? I wouldn't necessarily call them that, but if you had been tossing around the idea of picking one up before this sale started, you definitely have more incentive to go through with it now.

For those who choose not to shell out any real bucks in the game, you can pick up a Late Night Snack Shop for 14,000 coins or a Space Age Cottage for 38,500 coins (both 30% off discounts). Other 30% off discounts include the High Tech House at 66,500 coins and the Romantic Resolution decoration that now costs 7,000 coins. Unfortunately, this sale won't last forever, as both the City Cash and coin items will eventually be removed from the store. Think of this as your last-chance opportunity to pick up these items before they're removed entirely, potentially to never be seen again.

Will you pick up any of these New Years or Winter items while they're on sale this week? Which ones will you pick up? Sound off in the comments.
