2012: The Year Of The Personal Brand

personal brand 2012
personal brand 2012

By Bryan Clark

Some might argue that 2011 was the year personal branding really stepped into the forefront as one of - if not the - most important ways to take control of our life. I'd argue that 2011 was just a fraction of the overall growth this industry is going to see in 2012, and beyond. Google, Twitter, and Facebook have all seen enormous growth in personal branding related discussion, searches, and information. 2012 should bring more of the same. In fact, it is estimated that 70% of all new jobs are filled through networking with existing people in your social circle. To me, that signifies that there is no better time than the present to increase your social circle, network, and form meaningful relationships. But... how is that done exactly? Here are a few things you can work on in 2012 to increase your brand, your presence, and ultimately, your bottom line.
