Nothing says The Sims Social like a creepy pink deer head, huh?

Sims Social Pink Deer Head Free
Sims Social Pink Deer Head Free

Looks like 27 million monthly players aren't enough to assuage Playfish's desire for more fans on their Facebook page for The Sims Social.

It's been a half-year since Playfish has attempted a fan counter boost by luring in folks with free items. Currently, the Facebook game's page has 7.2 million fans, but Playfish would like to see it close the breach to 8 million.

As an incentive, they've been running a banner ad for pink deer head wall mount above The Sims Social game, announcing that everyone will get a free deer head when the game's page reaches 8 million 'Likes'. Another reminder popped up on the Facebook page during the weekend, only this time, they specify it's a "FREE FAKE REINDEER" instead.

Frankly, they can call it whatever they want. Nothing changes the fact that it's pink, it's a head of a deer, it's looks very much dead, and it's one of the most bizarre giveaway items ever conceived, if not downright freakish. I can't imagine many people wanting this, even if it's free. They better make this deer head sing -- something completely within their power to do so -- to make it worthwhile.

Do you think that whoever came up with this free pink deer head idea is bonkers? What should a Facebook game page offer to get you to 'Like' it and follow it? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment
