CityVille: Open your Christmas Presents now!


If your Santa's Workshop building in CityVille is bursting at the joists with presents, you'll be happy to know that you can no login to your city and open them up! Whether you have just one present or dozens, you'll have a chance to win a variety of items. We're here to bring you a preview of some of the items you can expect. Warning: The game will open up each individual present with a single click, so you'll receive a recap window when everything has been opened, actually telling you what you've won.

Bundles of coins
Bundles of Goods
Bundles of XP
Zoning Permits
Majestic Oak
Park Bench with Planters
Yeti decorations
Slot Car Shop
Snowmobile Mart
Silicon Central
Clement Mansion
Black Diamond Slope
Donner Duplex
Billingsley House

You'll see all of these items in a single window, with prizes being in color if you've won them (along with a number showing you how many of each you received), and items appearing in black and white if you weren't lucky enough to win one in this batch of presents. Merry Christmas!

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.

Which of the above prizes did you end up walking away with from Santa's Workshop? Will you continue collecting presents in the hope of having at least one of each? Sound off in the comments.
