CityVille Frostdale Ridge Neighborhood: Everything you need to know


A new Neighborhood has launched in CityVille this weekend, bringing with it an unusual storage capacity and a touch of the winter / holiday spirit. As usual, you can purchase this Frostdale Ridge Neighborhood from the store for 20,000 coins. You'll need to spend six energy on constructing its frame, and can then go about the item collection process with your friends.

You'll need to collect the following:

  • 7 Fireplaces

  • 7 Ice Scrapers

  • 7 Rock Salts

  • 7 Ski Poles

  • 7 Snow Blowers

As usual, these items are earned through a combination of general news feed posts and individual requests to friends. To be specific, the Fireplaces, Ice Scrapers and Rock Salts are earned through general news items you'll post on your wall, while the Ski Poles and Snow Blowers are earned through the individual requests to friends.

Once you've finished constructing your Frostdale Ridge Neighborhood, you'll find that you can store both Winter homes and Vacation homes. This is also the first Neighborhood that can store the Bay Point Duplex, if you still have some of those in your town. Unfortunately, this Neighborhood goes back to the large footprint of past Neighborhoods, rather than being space-saving, but the process for upgrading it remains the same.

For Block 1, you'll be given two storage spaces for free, and then must ask three friends to fill out the block. After collecting building materials to unlock Block 2, you'll have just one free storage space and must ask four friends to fill it out. Collect even more building materials to unlock Block 3, and you'll be left with asking five friends to fill out the entire final block of this Neighborhood, giving you a final storage capacity of 15 homes. We'll just leave the debate of combining Winter and Vacation homes in the same Neighborhood for another time.

[Via CityVille Wiki]

Check out the rest of our Winter Holiday coverage right here.

Will you build a Frostdale Ridge Neighborhood in your city? Sound off in the comments.
