Zynga Games Research Program wants you to squash its games' bugs

Angry Computer Dude
Angry Computer Dude

Want a chance to squash Zynga game bugs before they piss you off for real? The creator of CityVille has started the Zynga Games Research program in which the developer will enlist you, the players, to test its games before they're released. Well, before the new games are released in open beta. (So, would that be "closed beta," "slightly ajar beta" or just "alpha"?)

The developer is blasting the opportunity out to its many Facebook games' fan pages, offering players to take a short survey that will qualify them to take part in the testing program. Of course, Zynga is offering rewards for your time spent providing feedback to the company's various game creation teams across play-testing, interviews and--yes, unfortunately--more surveys.

But you might want to reconsider moving on to the next Internet distraction about now: Zynga will give testers cash, game cards and in-game rewards for their trouble. We don't know the quantities or frequency of said cash rewards, but cash is cash, no? Many players' comments on the company's various Wall posts advertising the program already scream the same sentiment: Focus on fixing the games you already have before releasing new games.

It's a valid complaint, as players clamor for fixes to almost endless issues daily. In response, Zynga has started to communicate with players one-on-one in luncheon chats at its San Francisco headquarters. It's clear that the company wants more feedback, and it's providing to tools for you to submit it. But what Zynga does with that feedback could not determine the enjoyability of future games, but the company's future success.

Do you plan on participating in the Zynga Games Research program? Across the board, what's the number one improvement all Zynga games desperately need? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
