MargaritaVille Online: Where 'Naughty is the New Nice' at Christmas


Ah, the holidays. The time of year when people are extra nice to one another so they ensure Santa brings them all of their most desired goodies on Christmas morning. That is, unless they're in MargaritaVille, where being naughty apparently isn't frowned upon, but is almost encouraged.

Enter THQ and the new MargaritaVille Online Facebook game (set to launch next month), which brings a touch of humor to the traditional Christmas card. You can see the full card below, and while it's disappointing that we don't hear any Jimmy Buffet music playing along with it, I suppose you could always play some yourself to complete the mood.

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.

Do you wish more Facebook games released Christmas cards for their players / fans? Have you ever received a Christmas card from a Facebook game before? Sound off in the comments.
