Plants vs Zombies's Crazy "Cray-Z" Dave drops debut track on iTunes

Crazy Dave
Crazy Dave

You gotta' wonder: If a fictional character can make bank on a terrible (but hilarious) song, why couldn't we? PopCap has released "Wabby Wabo," the sidesplitting track recorded by Crazy Dave--oh, sorry: Cray-Z--from Plants vs Zombies, on iTunes. The song is only a buck, and at least the Seattle-based social/casual game maker has a relatively noble goal with the release.

All proceeds received from those who pick up the track between Dec. 15 and 24 will go to Concern Worldwide, an international humanitarian organization that fights poverty in the world's poorest nations. We could easily see PopCap making it rain on the charity, as Cray-Z's first music video already has over 465,000 views on YouTube. Sure, you could just watch it over and over on YouTube, but wouldn't you want to surprise your friends at the New Year's Eve bash with this gem?

Alright, so maybe it'll drive someone to throw your iPhone out the window, but it'll make for a good laugh, right? And that, for some, is well worth the $.99. Besides, don't be a grouch: This is for charity, after all. On second thought, maybe you should file this under "guilty pleasures" should you opt to support Cray-Z. Click here to pick up the hot track, and check the video below.

Would you pick up Cray-Z's first song for a buck? Would you ever buy a piece of video game music? Share with us in the comments. Add Comment.
