FarmVille: Purchase a 7-Eleven Zynga Game Card, receive Polar Bear Globe


Back at Thanksgiving, Zynga and 7-Eleven launched a cross-promotion in FarmVille, offering users a free Cornucopia Home when redeeming a Zynga Game Card within FarmVille, but only if that card had been purchased at a 7-Eleven store. A similar promotion has launched to celebrate Christmas, as users are now prompted to purchase Zynga Game Cards from the convenience store for a free "Polar Bear Globe."

Like the Cornucopia Home before it, this Polar Bear Globe is actually a re-released item, as it was originally made available in last year's Winter Holiday event. This means players without access to a 7-Eleven in their local area won't miss out on something exclusive. However, the Globe did cost 25 Farm Cash when it was released last year, so receiving it for the price of a Zynga Game Card (which you'll also receive Farm Cash for redeeming, of course) is definitely a better deal.

This promotion will only last until the end of the month - December 31. If you plan on asking your friends and family for Game Cards this Christmas, make sure to tell them about this promotion, so you'll receive the free item when you open up your gifts and redeem them!

Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.

Will you go out of your way to purchase a Zynga Game Card from 7-Eleven to receive this free Polar Bear Globe? Sound off in the comments.
