FarmVille Cyber Monday: Farm Cash 40% off for a limited time


If you've managed to survive the crazy in-store shopping that was Black Friday, and still have some money left over for some bargains, you'll be happy to know that Zynga is taking full advantage of Cyber Monday, the internet version of Black Friday, by offering 40% off all Farm Cash purchases in FarmVille.

To be specific, this sale lasts from 6:00 PM Pacific Sunday evening (November 27) to 11:59 PM Pacific on Monday (November 28). That gives you a little more than 24 hours to make a purchase. As a bonus, this sale will apply to not only purchases made online, but also on any Game Cards redeemed within this time frame. That means that if you want to take advantage of Target's 20% off Zynga Game Card sale, you'll receive even more Farm Cash when you redeem (that is, around 120 Farm Cash instead of the normal 85 Farm Cash) for 20% off the original Zynga Game Card price. Talk about a bargain!

If you decide to stick to an online-only purchase, you can now pick up 55 Farm Cash for $6, down from $10, or even 310 Farm Cash for $30, down from $50, as two examples.

This Cyber Monday offer is completely branded with Winter Wonderland art, so it also leads us to believe that this new farm will be launching incredibly soon - perhaps even tomorrow night. Could this sale be another way for Zynga to hint at us that early access will cost Farm Cash, and that we should stock up now to save some real world cash? Whatever the case, this is a heck of a sale for those interested in buying some Farm Cash, so don't miss out!

Will you purchase any Farm Cash during FarmVille's Cyber Monday sale? Sound off in the comments.
