PETA Asks Turkey, Texas, to Change Name to 'Tofurkey'

turkey, texas
turkey, texas

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, PETA couldn't help but run a-fowl of the town of Turkey, Texas.

As a gesture of goodwill toward the Thanksgiving bird, the animal activist group asked the small town of under 500 to change its name to "Tofurkey" -- the vegan equivalent of the holiday's traditional main course.

Needless to say, the townsfolk, whose forefathers named the town in honor of the wild birds they found roosting there, were not amused.

"I think it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," said one ruffled resident.

"We're insulted," said another. "We love turkey, and we're proud of being Turkey."

To their credit, PETA said that in exchange for the name change, they would prepare a Thanksgiving banquet for the whole town -- a vegan banquet, that is.

PETA Asks Texas Town to Change Name to 'Tofurkey'

This isn't the first time PETA has used the holidays as an occasion to promote its cause. As we reported last year, PETA was interested in renting the notorious "Amityville Horror" house in Long Island, N.Y., to stage a Halloween-inspired art exhibit: "The Amityville Slaughterhouse of Horrors."

The installation would have included animatronic chickens with a soundtrack of whirring blades and animal screams, according to PETA Vice President Tracy Reiman.

See also:
New Amityville Horror: Yuppie Tourists
The Best Cities to Spend Thanksgiving

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