CityVille Stumpfords Mini Golf Goals: Everything you need to know


The Stumpfords may have come back from their family vacation in CityVille, but that doesn't mean they're ready to give up on fun altogether. In fact, they want to throw a little family competition by taking to the virtual, and miniature greens of the putt-putt golf course. You'll be there along the way, completing tasks and earning themed rewards as the Stumpfords fight amongst themselves for supremacy.

Par for the Course

  • Ask for 10 Parking Cards

  • Collect from the French Restaurant 16 Times

  • Harvest 24 Eggplant Crops

Ok, so these three tasks don't really pertain to golfing specifically, but here's the kicker: whoever wins this round of miniature golf gets to pick where the entire family goes for lunch. At least now, we understand all of these references to food! For the record, Eggplant takes just one hour to grow, and you can earn those Parking Cards by asking your friends via direct friend requests. Finishing this first goal gives you the Monkey Golf decoration, which is a piece of a putt-putt course. It gives a 12% payout bonus to surrounding homes and businesses.

Meal Ticket

  • Ask for 10 Lockers

  • Collect form the Noodle Shop

  • Harvest 8 Wheat Crops

Wheat takes 2.1 days to finish, so I suppose we should be happy that there doesn't appear to be a time limit on finishing these goals (as of this writing). Waiting all of that time for the Wheat to grow also gives you a chance to gather the 10 Lockers, which is done by posting a general wall post to your news feed that asks all of your CityVille neighbors to help at once. Finishing this goal gives you the Holland Hole in One, another piece of the golf course that offers a 12% payout bonus. It was originally available in the store for 135,000 coins.

Mini Me

  • Ask for 10 Golf Balls

  • Collect form the Burger Joint 20 Times

  • Water Neighbor Crops 8 Times

Keep an eye on the term here: you'll need to water crops in your friends' cities, not unwither them or harvest them. Just make sure you find some crops that are currently growing before you start clicking and you'll finish in a snap. Doing so gives you the Pirate Putt Putt item, a golf course piece that normally cost 27 City Cash and offers a 27% payout bonus.

Icing on the Cake

  • Ask for 10 Hot Wings

  • Collect from Community Buildings 8 Times

  • Harvest 24 Carrot Crops

It doesn't appear to matter which Community Buildings you collect from, and as you likely already have more than eight completed in your town, just collect the profits from eight different buildings to quickly finish this task. Meanwhile, Carrots take eight hours to grow. For finishing this final goal in the Stumpfords Mini Golf series, you'll receive the Big Play Brewery, a business that requires 335 Goods, and generates 1,781 coins. It normally cost 46 City Cash, so that's actually a pretty great final prize for completing a goal series that wasn't exactly difficult.

I don't know about you, but if we continue to receive such nice prizes from goals in CityVille, I'll be one happy mayor. What about you?

[Via CityVille Wiki]

Well, what do you think of these Stumpfords Mini Golf goals in CityVille? Will you stop what you're doing to finish these four goals first? Let us know in the comments.
