Amazing 'Origami' Studio Unfolds Into 4 Rooms


If you liked the "Transformer" apartment, you're going to love this place. New Yorker Eric Schneider's 450-square-foot "origami" studio features a central cabinet that unfolds to create four--count 'em--distinct living spaces: bedroom, office, guest bedroom and living room.

Schneider, a third-grade teacher, bought the place in 2005 for $235,000. He turned to architects Michael Chen and Kari Anderson of Normal Projects, who proposed "a strategy of extreme density," designing the single piece of furniture that could be "packed with all of the functional components of a larger apartment including a bed, a nightstand, a closet, a home office, a library, kitchen storage, and most of the lighting for the room."

Don't believe us? Watch the video below and let Schneider show you himself. The renovation, which also included a new bathroom, cost $70,000 in total. A tip of the hat to Curbed for bringing it to our attention.

See also:
Artist Makes Luxury Home in a Dumpster
Tour the 258-Sq-Ft Transformer Apartment
Woman Lives in 90-Sq-Ft New York Apartment
