How Fortune 500 Corporations Are Helping Veterans Find Employment

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Walmart Starbucks veterans jobs

With Veteran's Day approaching, the nation is turning its eyes towards America's warriors. This year's annual veterans' commemoration comes at a vital time for the members of America's armed forces. It was just last month that President Barack Obama made the announcement that the last 40,000 combat troops stationed in Iraq will be coming home by year's end, marking a formal end to a war more than eight years old. In total, some 2.4 million Americans have served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Their struggles have been widely noted. Advances in weapons technology over the last decade have facilitated for unprecedented types of injuries, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). And an estimated one in four service members suffers from some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But few statistics are more glaring than this one: for veterans 25 and under, the unemployment rate is 21 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (The overall unemployment rate for all recently returned veterans is 12 percent, three points above the national total.)
