FarmVille Pic of the Day: Build a bear for X'mas at Cecilia83's farm


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From the incredible to the edible, when it comes to FarmVille hay bale art, anything is possible. Now that all the Halloween candy has been eaten and costumes put away, our eyes are on Thanksgiving. But seeing that Zynga's got 27 million players on FarmVille and not all of them are in the United States and Canada, there's a lot of folks jumping straight into the next major holiday for their farm decor. And yes folks, that means Christmas.

FarmVille Winter Teddy
FarmVille Winter Teddy

Today's entry hails from Cecilia83's Lighthouse Cove farm, and although the cove itself is still decked in autumn trees, the farm art definitely screams winter. Featuring a large white teddy with rosy pink cheeks, dressed in a Santa hat clipped with holly, a red-and-green holiday scarf, and a "Merry Christmas" caption underneath, Cecilia83's hay bale art could be a contender for the cutest, most huggable holiday farm ever.

FarmVille did release a Winter Teddy last year that looked very much like this, but it cost 100K each. Hay bales in the market cost between 100 and 125 Coins each, so if Cecilila83 used 800 bales building her bear, then she managed to break even, while getting to show off some art to boot.

What other cute FarmVille farm designs have you seen?
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