Beware Of The 'Ides Of Jobs'; 7 Strategies To Recover From Job Adversity

recover from job adversity
recover from job adversity

We all make mistakes on the job, and occasionally the boss steps in to correct our performance with discipline or a performance improvement plan. It's how you recover from adversity that sets you apart from the rest

You are accused of being "off sides" when the flag was thrown and everyone is pointing, "You, You, You!" You have messed up on the job and feel hopeless that you will ever recover. You have been pigeon-holed, feel the fish eye from the boss, and the sideways glances from the team. You feel that you just can't do anything right. You are experiencing what I call the career freeze, the fear that every move you make on the job is wrong, with dread and apprehension about what will come next.
