Pioneer Trail Crafting Workshop Goals: Everything you need to know


As we told you earlier this week, the newest building to launch in Pioneer Trail is the Crafting Workshop, with the building itself being available to purchase in the market for 95 coins and 10 Wood. The base itself must be whacked five times, with each whack costing two Wood. From there, you're left to collect six different building materials: Metal Clamps, Large Nails and Metal Brackets (wall post items) and Hacksaws, Crafting Gloves and Crafting Goggles (individual request items). Of course, to go along with most new buildings in the Pioneer Trail, there are also goals to complete for the Crafting Workshop. Here's a guide to completing them!

Home Ren-O-Vation

  • Sell 15 Adult Cows

  • Collect 10 Zoning Permits

  • Clear 10 Rocks

The Zoning Permits are earned by sending out individual requests to your friends. For finishing this first goal, you'll receive a Rock Arch, 400 XP and 500 coins.

Sprucin' Up the Homestead

  • Collect Daily Bonus from the Crafting Workshop

  • Chop Down 5 Oak or Pine Trees

  • Clear 20 Debris on your Homestead

It doesn't appear to matter which kind of debris you remove, so feel free to turn in some collections to earn Skulls or Wildflowers, place them on your Homestead, and then quickly clear them to finish that task with ease. As for building the Crafting Workshop itself, make sure to check out our look at the building for more on how to do that.

Master Craftsman

  • Craft an Ivy Picket Fence from the Crafting Workshop

  • Collect 2 General Store Daily Bonuses

  • Collect 15 Construction Permits

Once you have completed the construction on the Crafting Workshop, you'll be able to start crafting items inside it. However, it's a bit more complicated than just that. You see, you'll first need to craft the materials used to make the final products. As of this writing, the Crafting Workshop only allows you to craft four final items for your Homestead. Every other "recipe" is a recipe to craft an ingredient for one of those four items. In this particular example, the Picket Fence is crafted after you've made Picket Boards and Fencin Tools, as seen below. You'll then be able to combine those two items with some Ivy Starters (that you can earn from your friends) to actually craft the Picket Fences. It sounds complicated in writing, but in practice is actually fairly simple (if not over-done and time consuming).

For finishing this third goal, you'll receive one Chicken Fertilizer, one Cow Fertilizer and 500 XP.

Expert Craftsman

  • Clear 15 Wildflowers

  • Harvest 20 Corn

  • Craft a Grass Stone Path from the Crafting Workshop

Here's as good of a time as any to point out that instead of being able to craft each item at your leisure within the Crafting Workshop, you'll instead have to craft items one at a time to unlock new recipes. Not only that, but you must "master" the crafted items to unlock something else. Back in our Picket Fence example, you'll need to have crafted Picket Boards four times to unlock the Fencin' Tools recipe. The same thing can be said here for the Grass Stone Path. With enough work (and help from friends), though, you'll eventually finish it off. For completing this final goal, you'll receive a Rock Fountain, 500 XP and 500 coins.

Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of the Crafting Workshop in Pioneer Trail? Do the "recipe mastery" requirements cause you to dislike this feature more than you would otherwise? Will you try to craft all four of the items that are available here for your Homestead? Sound off in the comments.
