Feeling Presidential? Live in Your Very Own White House


By Mary Umberger

Judging by all the recent hollering, finger-pointing and campaigning, it would seem that a goodly number of people aspire to live in the White House -- though, of course, only one of them will get the key to the Oval Office washroom.

For the runners-up, there are some consolation prizes out there: Replicas of the executive mansion not only are surprisingly plentiful, but at least three of them are for sale.

Granted, "replica" may be too precise a word, given that they display a lot of architectural, umm, latitude. One of them is even blue.

But they bear more than a passing resemblance to the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. landmark. There's a lookalike private residence in San Antonio. Photos of another -- a massive, detailed White House copy in Atlanta -- was an Internet sensation and drew attention from The New York Times when it was listed for $9.88 million in 2009.
