FarmVille Pic of the Day: SerbianFarmer's magical Halloween forest

farmville serbian farmer halloween
farmville serbian farmer halloween

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Halloween farms are all starting to look alike. Simply having pumpkins, haunted houses, and spooky decorations isn't going to cut it anymore. It takes a little creativity, something extra, to set your Halloween farm above the rest. And that's exactly what SerbianFarmer has done with this remarkable FarmVille design.

Wow-Zow! Take notes folks, because this is an awesome Halloween farm. SerbianFarmer calls this creation the "Magical Forest", a name that really doesn't do this unreal farm much justice. It looks as though a circle of darkness has been burned into an ordinary forest. Particularly creepy is the train tracks that abruptly begin and end, seemingly emerging from another (evil) dimension.

SerbianFarmer's farm isn't complicated, but the incredible creativity definitely makes up for that. In the end I think I can say that SerbianFarmer has created one of the best designs I've ever seen, and the folks over at the FarmVille Forums seem to agree with me. See what they said right here.

What do you think of SerbianFarmer's Magical Forest?

If you have an AWESOME FarmVille farm that you want to see featured on, please email a picture to, Include a few words about the inspiration for your design and maybe a few tips for people who need an assist!
