CityVille Doggie Rescue Center: Everything you need to know


If you're above level 50 in CityVille, you now have access to a new feature that's started rolling out to Mayors: the Doggie Rescue Center. This feature allows you to rescue dogs and then be rewarded for it, but wait... Didn't we do this already? Via the Lost Brown Puppy goal released at the beginning of the year, Zynga proceeded to alienate lots of players (or at least annoy them greatly) with never-ending gift requests and spam. Did the company learn its lesson with this release? Let's find out.

First things first, this Doggie Rescue Center is an entirely new building that needs to be placed in your town. You'll receive it for free, and can then spend seven energy building up the frame. At that point, you'll need to collect quite a few building ingredients:

  • 10 Dog Sweaters

  • 10 Dog Brushes

  • 10 Dog Toys

  • 10 Dog Leashes

  • 10 Dog Bowls

As of this writing, the Dog Sweaters must be gathered via individual gift requests sent to friends, while the other four items can be earned by using general news posts on your wall. This seems skewed, so we'll make sure to let you know if Zynga increases the difficulty in the future. Either way, once the building is complete, you'll see new characters walking around your town. These are your dog lovers that will help you out for the rest of this feature.

By opening the Rescue Center's menu (just click on the building), you'll see all of the workers you have available to track down lost dogs, and can look at the different dogs that can possibly be rescued. Each dog gives you a different reward when found (including a decoration, building and business for some), and you'll be able to level up your Doggie Rescue Center by rescuing more and more dogs. If this sounds familiar, it's because this feature highly resembles the Police Station / robbery feature that allows you to stop criminals and level up your Police Station as a result.

In fact, the dogs appear in almost the same way as criminals. They'll appear at random when collecting your rent from homes (whereas criminals appear when collecting from businesses). And like the Police Station feature, once your dog lovers have rescued dogs, they'll need to take some time to recharge. You can allow this to happen naturally over time, or you can collect Treats (think Donuts) with the help of friends to have them rescuing dogs again in no time. As you level up your Doggie Rescue Center, you'll gain access to more helpers, which will allow you to level you level up even more quickly than before. The building also changes in size and complexity as a result of your efforts.

So, does this lost dog feature come across as something entertaining (or, at least more entertaining than the lost Brown Puppy from the beginning of the year)? You tell us.

Check out the rest of our CityVille Cheats & Tips right here.

Will you build a Doggie Rescue Center in your town, or are you going to stick with playing cops and robbers in your town for the meantime? Sound off in the comments.
