Steve Jobs' Childhood Home a Draw for Tourists


Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs succumbed to his long battle with pancreatic cancer on Wednesday, leaving behind an enduring legacy.

Fans, celebrities and politicians have flooded the internet and airwaves with responses to his passing.

Jobs' childhood home in Los Altos has long been an attraction, Patch reports. The 1,793-foot home was the birthplace of Apple. Jobs and Steve Wozniak famously created Apple in the home's garage in 1976.

As George Lowden, a Stanford grad who was visiting family in the area in August, told Patch that he brought his two sons to the home to show them where Apple was born. "These kids like computers and Apple in particular, so since we're here on vacation, we thought we'd drive by and I'd show them. We made a detour so that the boys could see where Apple was formed."

In the days and weeks ahead, it seems that Jobs' childhood home, as well as his Palo Alto residence and Apple's Cupertino headquarters, will only get more popular with tourists and fans wanting to be a part of the entrepreneur's legacy. Yet this is hardly the first time that the site where an inventor worked has found a second life as a tourist attraction. Every year people flock to Thomas Edison's winter residence in Fort Myers, Fla., and to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Mich., to celebrate the lives and genius of people who so profoundly affected American and global culture.

See also:
The "Fake Exclusive" on Steve Jobs' House

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