Pioneer Trail: Horseshoes 40% off for one-hour only!


Quick, pioneers! Count your Facebook Credits and pennies! Horseshoes on are on sale in the Pioneer Trail for the next hour only! And the sale is actually fairly decent - 40% off all Horseshoe packages for a limited time.

Limited time? What am I saying - you've got less than 60 minutes people! It's not everyday that we see a Horseshoe sale in Pioneer Trail (in fact, it's incredibly rare), but with so many items costing Horseshoes, it never hurts to have some lying around, right? To put all of this into perspective, the cheapest package available will cost you around $6.50 and will earn you 75 Horseshoes.

Now, if you wanted to splurge, you certainly could do that as well, as the largest package of 2,100 Horseshoes (seriously, who even needs that many?) is on sale for $130. Sure, that's still a lot of real world dough, but when compared to the original price tag of $216, the savings aren't anything to sneeze at.

As one final note, coin packages are also 40% off, but this sale seems to last longer than just one hour - through the rest of the day, it seems, or even longer, depending on when Zynga decides to flip the switch and turn the sale off. Again, these are coin packages, meaning that you'd be paying for something you could earn for free just by playing the game, but I'll leave your purchasing decisions up to you.

What are you waiting for?! If you've ever wanted to purchase some Horseshoes in Pioneer Trail, now is definitely the time!

Will you purchase any Horseshoes during this (very) limited time sale? Sound off in the comments!
