Timeline Of A Revolutionary: The Rise of Steve Jobs

steve jobs
steve jobs

On Oct. 6, news spread that former Apple CEO Steve Jobs had died. Of course, many people probably heard about his demise on products he invented, from the iPhone to the iPad. The news of his death comes just 42 days after Jobs formally announced his plans to step down as the chief executive of Apple. "I have always said that if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know," he said at the time. In retrospect, there's little doubt now why he chose to leave his perch atop the computing giant. It was just seven years ago he went public with his fight against cancer.

Jobs is survived by his wife and four children. But in addition to his immediate family, he also leaves behind a world whose current operating system is dictated by his vision. Throughout his career, Jobs celebrated both the sleek and simple. We'll never listen to music, type on a keyboard or talk on a telephone in the same way because of him.

Below is a timeline of the major events of Jobs' career.
