FarmVille Fairy Garden Items: Star Flower Trees, Fairy Cat, Garden Gate and more


The lovely Fairy Garden item theme in FarmVille has grown by quite a bit this evening, as new trees, animals, decorations and more have been launched in the game's store. There are even avatar clothing items here, if you have a few Farm Cash to spend sprucing up your character's clothing. Either way, we won't waste any more time with introductions; let's get straight to our look at these new items!


Star Flower Tree - 7 Farm Cash
Big Star Flower Tree - 15 Farm Cash

Both of these trees earn their first star of mastery after 75 harvests, and will be ready to harvest every two days (so, they have the same stats as most other recently released trees).


Fairy Cat - 18 Farm Cash
Fairy Unicorn - 31 Farm Cash

Hold onto something, farmers. Considering how popular Unicorns have been in FarmVille in the past, and how popular fairies are generally, I can definitely see this Fairy Unicorn flying up to the top of the Best Sellers chart in the store, even with its higher-than-normal price tag of 31 Farm Cash. I must admit the Unicorn is very lovely, but whether or not you're willing to pay 31 Farm Cash for a single animal will really be up to you.


Green Cottage - 25 Farm Cash
Mossy Den - 15 Farm Cash

As of this writing, these buildings aren't marked as limited edition, but don't let that fool you - they won't be around for long.


Ivy Curve Wall - 8,000 coins
Fairy Roses - 10,000 coins
Fairy Garden - 10 Farm Cash
Garden Gate - 30,000 coins
Flowery Fountain - 15 Farm Cash

If the names don't give it away, the Ivy Curve Wall and Garden Gate form a new kind of fencing for this theme, if the plain Wooden Gates and Fences released previously don't do it for you. Unfortunately, the supply of coin-only items here is rather small, but hopefully we'll see a positive change in that area in the future.

Avatar Clothing Items

Ivy Leaves Crown - 2 Farm Cash
Flower Hat - 5 Farm Cash
Tree Fairy Dress - 10 Farm Cash

With the release of this large set of new Fairy Garden items, we have also seen many of the theme's items reach the two day time limit for availability in the store. For these newest items, you'll have two weeks to purchase them, but don't waste too much time or you may miss out on them entirely! We'll make sure to let you know if more Fairy Garden themed items are released in the future, so keep checking back.

What do you think of the Fairy Unicorn? Do you think a Unicorn is worth 31 Farm Cash? Will you purchase any of these buildings or avatar clothing items? Sound off in the comments.
