CityVille Bird Watching Timed Goal: Everything you need to know


There's a new Timed Goal available in CityVille, Mayors, but don't run off to your cities in excitement just yet; this one is pretty difficult to complete. This goal, as usual, goes by two names: Bird Watching and Flock Party. As part of your town's story, your citizens have all ventured into the woods with binoculars for some bird watching, and you'll need to complete some steps (including gathering bird information books) to join in the fun.

Get 12 Bird Books
Water 10 Neighbor Crops
Harvest 50 Corn

While the first two tasks are fairly self-explanatory (ask your friends for the books via a general news item), the task of harvesting that many Corn will likely frustrate many players, especially those that are going for the Gold Trophy. To be specific, Corn takes a full day to grow, so you're on a pretty strict time limit for planting all 50 corn at once and coming back to them within the two hours you have before the Gold Trophy time limit of 26 hours expires. Or, you can always plant some corn and then come back to your game to activate the goal later, giving you more of a window; that's up to you.

For finishing within the 26-hour, Gold Trophy time limit, you'll receive the Wood Shop, a business that is exclusive to this goal. You'll also earn 1,000 Goods and 1,280 coins. The Silver Trophy is for those that finish after the first 26 hours, but before 72 hours have passed, and it comes with 1,000 Goods and 2,000 coins, while the Bronze Trophy comes last with no time limit and a prize of just 1,000 Goods.

Regardless of the Trophy you end up with, the Goods given away here are pretty substantial (on top of the Goods you'd receive simply from harvesting all of that Corn), so I can definitely see a reason to complete it either way. Good luck if you're going for the Gold!

What do you think of this newest Timed Goal? Do you think the 50 Corn requirement is too steep when paired with a short Gold Trophy time limit, or are you looking forward to such a challenge? Sound off in the comments.
