CityVille Family Vacation Goals: Everything you need to know


Before summer ends, and the kids all have to go back to school, the Stumpford family has requested your help in CityVille. They'd like to have one last hurrah of the summer on a road trip for the whole family (mom, dad and the two kids), but they can't do it without you. In comes a set of four new goals in the game, called "Family Vacation."

The Family Vacation goals offer you a trio of decorations inspired by road trips or the great outdoors, so let's go ahead and jump right in, shall we? Note: You must be at least level 30 to access these goals.

My Way or the Highway

  • Ask for 4 Maps

  • Collect two times from any Library

  • Harvest 50 Carrots

Fortunately, this Library step really does mean "any," so you can collect once from a regular Library and again from a College Library within seconds and have that step completed. As for the Carrots, they cost 46 coins per square and take eight hours to grow, which gives you plenty of time to ask your friends to send you the four maps necessary to finish this one off. Doing so rewards you with the Giant Ball of Twine, a 2x2 decoration that offers a 5% bonus payout to surrounding homes and businesses.

Detour Guide

  • Have one Giant Ball of Twine in your city

  • Collect five times from any Diner

  • Send 5 Tour Buses to Burger Joints

Remember, you'll need to visit your friends' towns to send out Tour Buses, so hopefully at least a few of your neighbors have kept Burger Joints, rather than exchanging them for more profitable businesses. Your reward for this goal is 400 Goods.

Camping My Style

  • Have 6 Fitness Collection collectibles

  • Ask friends for 4 Mosquito Repellent

  • Pitch two Tents

Don't panic with this one; the Tents aren't some building project that must be undertaken - they're simply available to purchase as a decorative item in the store (a single Tent costs 5,000 coins and offers a 4% bonus to payout). Finishing this third goal rewards you with the Wooden Dino. This decoration offers just a 1% payout bonus, but it's a cute item all the same.

Hoax Busters

  • Have one Wooden Dino in your city

  • Ask for 10 Pictures of Bigfoot for proof

  • Collect two times from any Level 2 Emergency Clinic

Apparently, the Stumpfords have stumbled upon something in the forest on their road trip, on top of some Poison Ivy - ouch! You'll need to ask your friends for the Pictures of Bigfoot, but after these three steps are done, you'll have finished this family's vacation, and will be rewarded with the pretty Hidden Lake item. This item takes up a 4x4 square area on your land, but you'll gain a 20% bonus payout to surrounding structures so it's worth the few extra squares it sits on.

All told, these goals shouldn't take you the rest of the summer, but luckily, there doesn't seem to be any time limit on completing them if you'd like to take your time.

[Goals 2-4 Via CityVille Wiki]

Have you already started helping the Stumpfords on their Family Vacation? What do you think of the difficulty level of these goals? Sound off in the comments.
