FarmVille Wildlife Habitat Goals: Everything you need to know


What good is a feature in FarmVille without a new set of goals to go along with it? Actually, in the case of the Wildlife Habitat, I can see plenty of good uses for the building even without the goals, so we're in for an extra bonus now! A three-part goal series has launched on your farm this evening, which will be available for the next two weeks. Let's take a look at what you'll need to do to walk away with some pretty nice rewards.

The Stink of Success

  • Get 6 Eau De Skunks

  • Complete 1 WIldlife Habitat

  • Place one Baby Animal on your Farm

To complete the Wildlife Habitat, you'll need to collect 30 building ingredients, and you can find out more about that in our complete guide. As an extra note, you'll need to place a baby animal from the Wildlife Habitat for this to count, as Piglets and Lambs (while babies) don't seem to count for this particular task as of this writing. Finally, the Eau De Skunks can be earned by simply posting a news item on your wall asking for help. Finishing this first goal earns you the Silverback Skunk, 50 XP, five Animal Feed and 2,500 coins.

A Little Squirrely

  • Get 6 Squirrel Feeders

  • Harvest one Wildlife Habitat

  • Raise one Baby Animal

Again, the Squirrel Feeders can be earned by posting a general news item for all of your friends to see, while you'll need to use Animal Feed to raise one of your Baby Mystery Animals from within the Wildlife Habitat. Knocking this goal out will reward you with 50 XP, five Grey Squirrels (yes, five), five Animal Feed and 2,500 coins.

The Squirrel Whisperer

  • Get 6 Scritchy Brushes

  • Harvest 50 Vegetable Crops

  • Achieve Level 1 Mastery of the Grey Squirrel

And now, the reason for five Grey Squirrels in the last goal becomes clear. Remember to harvest these animals as often as you can to reach level one as quickly as possible. In the meantime, ask for the Scritchy Brushes by posting yet another item to your news feed for your friends to respond to. This is the final goal in the Wildlife Habitat series, and for finishing it, you'll earn 50 XP, an Ermine Stoat and 2,500 coins.

Again, these goals are only available for the next two weeks, but as plenty of animals are being given away in the process, I don't think we'll need much more incentive to finish them off quickly - at least I won't!

Check out the rest of our FarmVille Cheats & Tips right here.

What do you think of the Wildlife Habitat Goals in FarmVille? Do you think the process of raising Baby Mystery Animals is too complicated? What do you think of the prizes for these goals? Sound off in the comments.
