FarmVille: 20% off Farm Cash for a limited time


If you've spent all of your remaining FarmVille Farm Cash on Wildlife Habitat ingredients or items in the Fairy Garden item theme, you'll be happy to know that your opportunity to earn some discounted Farm Cash has now arrived. For the next few days, you'll be able to take 20% off the cost of any of the Farm Cash packages, except for the $1 for 4 Farm Cash package that's always available.

While 20% may not actually make any of these packages a bargain (and it also should be noted that this sale doesn't apply to coin packages), you can still save some real-world dough, which is always a good thing. Here are the stats for the available packages:

  • 25 Farm Cash - $4 (normally $5)

  • 55 Farm Cash - $8 (normally $10)

  • 115 Farm Cash - $16 (normally $20)

  • 310 Farm Cash - $40 (normally $50)

  • 650 Farm Cash - $80 (normally $100)

According to an in-game pop-up advertising the sale, we don't earn any special item with our purchase, but the discounted price itself seems to be the prize here. Remember, your own time limit on your farm may be shorter or longer than mine (which sits at 6 days), so make sure to login sooner, rather than later, to make sure there's still time on the clock for you!

Will you take advantage of this sale to purchase any Farm Cash, or do you like waiting for free prizes to be given away before you make a purchase? Let us know in the comments.
