FarmVille Fairy Garden outfits come without wings... for now


As part of the current Fairy Garden theme in FarmVille, both male and female avatars can dress up in two Fairy Dresses. Actually, it's the same dress, technically, just available in two colors: Pink and Purple. It doesn't matter which color you choose (you can see previews of both at right, or by "trying them on" on your own avatar in your game), as they both cost the same: 10 Farm Cash each.

That's a fairly hefty price tag, in my humble farmer opinion, especially considering neither of the dresses come with wings. Aren't fairies supposed to have wings, or am I looking at things too literally?

Either way, it looks like that oversight might be fixed in the future, as FarmVille Freak has spotted pictures of Fairy Wings that we should be able to purchase for our avatars soon, including another outfit that comes with the wings intact.

Of course, I can only imagine that these two items will cost more than 10 Farm Cash, if a simply flower design cost that much. Here's hoping that we won't have to break the bank to purchase these lovely costumes; we'll make sure to give you the details about these items as they launch.

[Image Credit: FarmVille Freak]

Will you purchase either of these flowery Fairy Dresses, or will you wait for anything with wings to come out in the store first? Sound off in the comments.
