P!nk Selling Her Rather Subdued Home in the Valley

P!nk Home
P!nk Home
P!nk home
P!nk home

Every once in a while, along comes a house that reminds us that celebrities, well, they really do just put their pants on one leg at a time. Take this house owned by singer P!nk in the San Fernando Valley community of Sherman Oaks. It's a nice enough house but sure doesn't scream "celebrity" at you, does it?

For $4 million, I personally wouldn't mind a little more scream in a house. Or at least an exclamation point like the one she insists we use in her name.

P!nk, by the way, calls Malibu home these days. She spent $11,850,000 on a home there less than a year ago and is certainly photographed enough around town with her baby to write off the property ownership as a publicity expense.
