The Sims Social (already) suffering from connection problems

sims social cable guy electrocuted
sims social cable guy electrocuted

Soon after it launched this morning, The Sims Social started to experience connection problems. So, if you go to the game and see an animation of this bespectacled guy getting electrocuted or an error that says "502 Bad Gateway," (see image below) that means the game is down for the count. The game has been up and down all day.

sims social 502 bad gateway
sims social 502 bad gateway

Why is this happening? A Sims rep tells us that the game has not officially launched and is still in "open beta." In the social games world, the term "open beta" means that the game is available for everyone to play, but still has bugs that need to be worked out. So steel yourself for more connection problems and other glitches as you play. And, fer chrissakes, resist the temptation to spend any real-life cash in the game until it's more stable.

